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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

iPhoto Project

Alright, looks like I just finished my iPhoto project. We were instructed to make a slideshow of pictures of things that resembled the letters in our names. The rest of the sides we just used to put pictures of things we like, because we were supposed to have a minimum of 20 pictures or so. This was a good project because we were encouraged to be creative, which I guess was pretty difficult for me because I'm not really a creative person.. Anyway it was still fun because we got to put pictures of stuff we like on it, and I guess I like to show people what I like. I'm really in to music, so I put a lot of bands and stuff on it and I put some TV shows I like and stuff about baseball and rugby, which are two sports that I'm kind of in to. Well, this is a really run-on post, and it didn't really make much sense, but I guess it's good enough for this project..

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